Monday, 9 July 2012

Teenage Quote - So True!

That is so true! How many of you have had this happen to you? I have it a lot! I ask my mum if I can go to London, or Bristol or wherever with my friends (or NEW boyfriend!!!) but my mum won't let me then she asks why I'm always on my IPad or laptop! Seriously, ! I don't think they understand us Teenagers!

Please tell us your experiences, we'd love to hear them!!


1 comment:

  1. OMG OOMGOSHH. Favorite quote. Thanks for posting this for reals'. The same thing happen to me. I ask my mom can i go the park: NO! Can i go to my friends house : NO! And then my mom is like WHAT do you do so much in the computer? and she says that i have stuff to do, am like there's nothing to do and am boring. That the reason i am always in the computer because i never go out because she doesn't let me at all so what else should i do in free time?

    Parents this days
