Missrrrrqqqq gave me this gorgeous picture of her when she was a superstar, posing for the camera!
So, what I wanter to show you, was the eyeliner on the right eye which is done perfectly (well down missrrrrqqqq!) so im going to show you how to do it. You need eyeliner for this, it doesnt matter what colour but it has to be one that you like if you are going to buy it! DOT is the best brand for eyeliner, and i think it is the only brand that does it. You need a steady hand for this- go around the entire eye with the eyeliner so that you get the thin line of whatever colour you have around your eye (in this case, its black). Then when you are satisfied with it, add a little Cleopatra kind of look to the outer of your eye (like shown in the picture). It is hard to do this first time, so don't worry if it isnt perfect! And then you're done!
You can do this in real life as well. I would recommend using a liguid eyeliner with a thin bristled brush as it is easier to get the lines, and is less fidely. It is harder to do as well, but keep going with it. After all, "practise makes perfect"!
What do you think of this look?
Great post! You guys improved you grammar!